
This is a subclass of XBinSpectrum that provides extra functionality for scaling and applying background corrections to X-ray spectrum data.

class pyxsis.binspectrum.XBkgSpectrum(*args, backscale=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Class for reading in background spectra. This is a subclass of specutils.XraySpectrum1D.

To load from a file:

XBkgSpectrum(from_file=, format=, colname=)


Name of FITS file for background spectrum


Format of FITS file (Default: ‘chandra_hetg’ uses the ‘BACKGROUND_UP’ and ‘BACKGROUND_DOWN’ columns to read in the data)


Name of FITS data column that contains the counts histogram of interest. (Default: ‘COUNTS’)


Inherits all attributes from specutils.XraySpectrum1D

backscalenumpy.ndarry or float

Value for scaling the background count rate to the associated source area. Defaults to 1.0

binned_counts(notice=None, binning=None, use_backscale=True, **kwargs)[source]


noticendarray, dtype=bool

Defines what regions of the spectrum to notice (Default: None, uses all of the counts histogram.)


Defines the binning for the spectrum, same method as XBinSpectrum. (Default: None, does not group any of the bins)


If True, the background will be scaled using XBkgSpectrum.backscale

Returns a binned background spectrum

(bin_lo, bin_hi, bkg_counts, bkg counts_err) : astropy Quantity arrays