Source code for pyxsis.bkgspectrum

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from .xrayspectrum1d import XraySpectrum1D

KEV  = ['kev', 'keV']
ANGS = ['Angstroms','Angstrom','Angs','angstroms','angstrom','angs']

ALLOWED_FORMATS = ['chandra_hetg','chandra_acis']

__all__ = ['XBkgSpectrum']

[docs]class XBkgSpectrum(XraySpectrum1D): """ Class for reading in background spectra. This is a subclass of specutils.XraySpectrum1D. **To load from a file:** XBkgSpectrum(from_file=, format=, colname=) from_file : str Name of FITS file for background spectrum format : str Format of FITS file (Default: 'chandra_hetg' uses the 'BACKGROUND_UP' and 'BACKGROUND_DOWN' columns to read in the data) colname : str Name of FITS data column that contains the counts histogram of interest. (Default: 'COUNTS') **Attributes** Inherits all attributes from specutils.XraySpectrum1D backscale : numpy.ndarry or float Value for scaling the background count rate to the associated source area. Defaults to 1.0 """ def __init__(self, *args, backscale=1.0, **kwargs): """ Same init parameters as XraySpectrum1D """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filename = None self.backscale = backscale @staticmethod def load_HETG(filename): ff = data = ff[1].data hdr = ff[1].header bin_unit = u.Unit(data.columns['BIN_LO'].unit) exposure = hdr['EXPOSURE'] * u.second counts = (data['BACKGROUND_UP'] + data['BACKGROUND_DOWN']) * u.ct bin_lo = data['BIN_LO'] * bin_unit bin_hi = data['BIN_HI'] * bin_unit # area of srouce region / area of background region backscal = hdr['BACKSCAL'] / (hdr['BACKSCUP'] + hdr['BACKSCDN']) ff.close() result = XBkgSpectrum(bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, exposure) result.filename = filename result.backscale = backscal return result @staticmethod def load(filename, colname='COUNTS'): ff = data = ff[1].data hdr = ff[1].header bin_unit = u.Unit(data.columns['BIN_LO'].unit) exposure = hdr['EXPOSURE'] * u.second counts = data[colname] * u.ct bin_lo = data['BIN_LO'] * bin_unit bin_hi = data['BIN_HI'] * bin_unit # area of background region try: backscal = 1.0 / hdr['BACKSCAL'] except: backscal = 1.0 ff.close() result = XBkgSpectrum(bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, exposure) result.backscale = backscal result.filename = filename return result
[docs] def binned_counts(self, notice=None, binning=None, use_backscale=True, **kwargs): """ **Inputs** notice : ndarray, dtype=bool Defines what regions of the spectrum to notice (Default: None, uses all of the counts histogram.) binning : ndarray Defines the binning for the spectrum, same method as XBinSpectrum. (Default: None, does not group any of the bins) use_backscale : bool If True, the background will be scaled using XBkgSpectrum.backscale **Returns** a binned background spectrum (bin_lo, bin_hi, bkg_counts, bkg counts_err) : astropy Quantity arrays """ if notice is None: notice = np.ones_like(self.counts, dtype=bool) if binning is None: binning = np.zeros_like(self.counts, dtype=int) # Deal with backscal, which could be an array backscal, scalar_backscal = 1.0, True if use_backscale: if np.size(self.backscale) == 1: backscal, scalar_backscal = self.backscale, True else: backscal, scalar_backscal = self.backscale[notice], False if all(binning == 0): bin_lo = self.bin_lo[notice] bin_hi = self.bin_hi[notice] result = self.counts[notice] * backscal result_err = np.sqrt(self.counts[notice].value) * backscal * u.ct # propogated error else: assert len(notice) == len(binning) # need to apply notice array to binning binning = binning[notice] counts = self.counts[notice].value ener_lo = self.bin_lo[notice].value ener_hi = self.bin_hi[notice].value bin_lo, bin_hi, result, result_err = [], [], [], [] for n in np.arange(min(binning), max(binning)+1): if scalar_backscal: bb = backscal else: bb = backscal[binning == n] bin_lo.append(ener_lo[binning == n][0]) bin_hi.append(ener_hi[binning == n][-1]) result.append(np.sum(counts[binning == n] * bb)) result_err.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(counts[binning == n] * bb**2))) # propogated error bin_unit = self.bin_lo.unit bin_lo = np.array(bin_lo) * bin_unit bin_hi = np.array(bin_hi) * bin_unit result = np.array(result) * u.ct result_err = np.array(result_err) * u.ct return bin_lo, bin_hi, result, result_err