Source code for pyxsis.xrayspectrum1d

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from specutils import Spectrum1D

__all__ = ['XraySpectrum1D', 'ARF', 'RMF']

# For dealing with varied unit string choices
EV   = ['eV', 'ev']
KEV  = ['kev', 'keV']
ANGS = ['angs', 'Angs', 'Angstrom', 'angstrom', 'Angstroms', 'angstroms', 'A', 'a']

## An introduction to X-ray analysis can be found here:

[docs]class XraySpectrum1D(Spectrum1D): """Spectrum properties specific to X-ray data **Attributes** Inherits from specutils Spectrum1D object. The following inputs are stored as additional attributes. bin_lo : astropy.Quantity The left edges for bin values bin_hi : astropy.Quantity The right edges for bin values counts : astropy.Quantity Counts histogram for the X-ray spectrum exposure : astropy.Quantity Exposure time for the dataset arf : ARF object Telescope response file describing the effective area as a function of photon energy. rmf : RMF object Telescope response file, a 2D matrix, describing the detector signal (pulse heights) distribution as a function photon energy. rest_value : astropy.units.Quantity, default 0 Angstrom See Spectrum1D rest_value input """ def __init__(self, bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, exposure, arf=None, rmf=None, **kwargs): """ **Inputs** bin_lo : astropy.Quantity The left edges for bin values bin_hi : astropy.Quantity The right edges for bin values counts : astropy.Quantity Counts histogram for the X-ray spectrum exposure : astropy.Quantity Exposure time for the dataset arf : ARF or string (default: None) Strings will be passed to ARF.__init__ All other input types are stored as arf attribute rmf : RMF or string, default None Strings will be passed to RMF.__init__ All other input types are stored as rmf attribute *kwargs* are passed to specutils Spectrum1D.__init__ """ bin_mid = 0.5 * (bin_lo + bin_hi) Spectrum1D.__init__(self, spectral_axis=bin_mid, flux=counts, **kwargs) self.bin_lo = bin_lo self.bin_hi = bin_hi self.exposure = exposure self.assign_rmf(rmf) self.assign_arf(arf) # Convenience function for Xray people @property def counts(self): return self.flux
[docs] def assign_arf(self, arf_inp, **kwargs): """ Assign an auxiliary response file (ARF) object to the XraySpectrum1D object **Inputs** arf_inp : string File name for the area response file (FITS file) **Returns** Modifies the XraySpectrum1D.arf attribute """ if isinstance(arf_inp, str): print("Assigning arf {}".format(arf_inp)) self.arf =, **kwargs) else: self.arf = arf_inp
[docs] def assign_rmf(self, rmf_inp): """ Assign a redistribution matrix file (RMF) object to the XraySpectrum1D object **Input** rmf_inp : string File name for the response matrix file (FITS file) **Returns** Modifies the XraySpectrum1D.rmf attribute """ if isinstance(rmf_inp, str): print("Assigning rmf {}".format(rmf_inp)) self.rmf = else: self.rmf = rmf_inp return
[docs] def apply_response(self, mflux, exposure=None): """ Given a model flux spectrum, apply the response. In cases where the spectrum has both an auxiliary response file (ARF) and a redistribution matrix file (RMF), apply both. Otherwise, apply whatever response is in RMF. The model flux spectrum *must* be created using the same units and bins as in the ARF (where the ARF exists)! **Inputs** mflux : astropy.units.Quantity A list or array with the model flux values, typically with units of phot/s/cm^-2 exposure : astropy.units.Quantity (default: None) By default, the exposure stored in the ARF will be used to compute the total counts per bin over the effective observation time. In cases where this might be incorrect (e.g. for simulated spectra where the pha file might have a different exposure value than the ARF), this keyword provides the functionality to override the default behaviour and manually set the exposure time to use. **Returns** model_counts : numpy.ndarray The model spectrum in units of counts/bin If no ARF file exists, it will return the model flux after applying the RMF If no RMF file exists, it will return the model flux after applying the ARF (with a warning) If no ARF and no RMF, it will return the model flux spectrum (with a warning) """ if self.arf is not None: mrate = self.arf.apply_arf(mflux, exposure=exposure) # ct/bin with no RMF applied else: mrate = mflux # assumes ct/bin is the input with no RMF applied if self.rmf is not None: result = self.rmf.apply_rmf(mrate.value) else: result = mrate return result
## ---- Supporting response file objects
[docs]class RMF(object): def __init__(self, energ_lo=None, energ_hi=None, matrix=None, energ_unit=None, offset=0.0, n_grp=np.array([]), f_chan=np.array([]), n_chan=np.array([]), detchans=0): """ Redistribution Matrix File (RMF) for an X-ray spectrum. **Attributes** filename : str Stores the filename used with energ_lo : numpy.ndarray The lower edges of the energy bins energ_hi : numpy.ndarray The upper edges of the energy bins matrix : numpy.ndarray The redistribution matrix as a flattened 1D vector energ_unit : astropy.units.Unit Description of the energy units used offset : float n_grp : numpy.ndarray the Array with the number of channels in each channel set f_chan : numpy.ndarray The starting channel for each channel group; If an element i in n_grp > 1, then the resulting row entry in f_chan will be a list of length n_grp[i]; otherwise it will be a single number n_chan : numpy.ndarray The number of channels in each channel group. The same logic as for f_chan applies detchans : int The number of channels in the detector """ self.filename = None self.offset = offset self.n_grp = n_grp self.f_chan = f_chan self.n_chan = n_chan self.matrix = matrix self.energ_lo = energ_lo self.energ_hi = energ_hi self.energ_unit = energ_unit self.detchans = detchans @staticmethod def read(filename, extension=None): result = RMF() # open the FITS file and extract the MATRIX extension # which contains the redistribution matrix and # anxillary information hdulist = result.filename = filename # get all the extension names extnames = np.array([ for h in hdulist]) # figure out the right extension to use if extension is not None: h = hdulist[extension] elif "MATRIX" in extnames: h = hdulist["MATRIX"] elif "SPECRESP MATRIX" in extnames: h = hdulist["SPECRESP MATRIX"] else: print("Cannot find common FITS file extension for response matrix values") print("Please set the `extension` keyword") return data = hdr = h.header hdulist.close() # extract + store the attributes described in the docstring n_grp = np.array(data.field("N_GRP")) f_chan = np.array(data.field('F_CHAN')) n_chan = np.array(data.field("N_CHAN")) matrix = np.array(data.field("MATRIX")) result.energ_lo = np.array(data.field("ENERG_LO")) result.energ_hi = np.array(data.field("ENERG_HI")) result.energ_unit = u.Unit(data.columns["ENERG_LO"].unit) result.detchans = hdr["DETCHANS"] result.offset = result.__get_tlmin(h) # flatten the variable-length arrays result.n_grp, result.f_chan, result.n_chan, result.matrix = \ result._flatten_arrays(n_grp, f_chan, n_chan, matrix) return result def __get_tlmin(self, h): """ Get the tlmin keyword for `F_CHAN`. **Inputs** h : an object The extension containing the `F_CHAN` column **Returns** tlmin : int The tlmin keyword """ # get the header hdr = h.header # get the keys of all keys = np.array(list(hdr.keys())) # find the place where the tlmin keyword is defined t = np.array(["TLMIN" in k for k in keys]) # get the index of the TLMIN keyword tlmin_idx = np.hstack(np.where(t))[0] # get the corresponding value tlmin =[tlmin_idx][1]) return tlmin def _flatten_arrays(self, n_grp, f_chan, n_chan, matrix): if not len(n_grp) == len(f_chan) == len(n_chan) == len(matrix): raise ValueError("Arrays must be of same length!") # find all non-zero groups nz_idx = (n_grp > 0) # stack all non-zero rows in the matrix matrix_flat = np.hstack(matrix[nz_idx]) # some matrices actually have more elements # than groups in `n_grp`, so we'll only pick out # those values that have a correspondence in # n_grp f_chan_new = [] n_chan_new = [] for i,t in enumerate(nz_idx): if t: n = n_grp[i] f = f_chan[i] nc = n_chan[i] if np.size(f) == 1: f_chan_new.append(f) n_chan_new.append(nc) else: f_chan_new.append(f[:n]) n_chan_new.append(nc[:n]) n_chan_flat = np.hstack(n_chan_new) f_chan_flat = np.hstack(f_chan_new) # if n_chan is zero, we'll remove those as well. nz_idx2 = (n_chan_flat > 0) n_chan_flat = n_chan_flat[nz_idx2] f_chan_flat = f_chan_flat[nz_idx2] return n_grp, f_chan_flat, n_chan_flat, matrix_flat
[docs] def apply_rmf(self, model): """ Fold the spectrum through the redistribution matrix. The redistribution matrix is saved as a flattened 1-dimensional vector to save space. In reality, for each entry in the flux vector, there exists one or more sets of channels that this flux is redistributed into. The additional arrays n_grp, f_chan and n_chan store this information: * n_group stores the number of channel groups for each energy bin * f_chan stores the *first channel* that each channel for each channel set * n_chan stores the number of channels in each channel set As a result, for a given energy bin i, we need to look up the number of channel sets in n_grp for that energy bin. We then need to loop over the number of channel sets. For each channel set, we look up the first channel into which flux will be distributed as well as the number of channels in the group. We then need to also loop over the these channels and actually use the corresponding elements in the redistribution matrix to redistribute the photon flux into channels. All of this is basically a big bookkeeping exercise in making sure to get the indices right. **Inputs** model : numpy.ndarray The (model) spectrum to be folded **Returns** counts : numpy.ndarray The (model) spectrum after folding, in counts/s/channel """ # get the number of channels in the data nchannels = model.shape[0] # an empty array for the output counts counts = np.zeros(nchannels) # index for n_chan and f_chan incrementation k = 0 # index for the response matrix incrementation resp_idx = 0 # loop over all channels for i in range(nchannels): # this is the current bin in the flux spectrum to # be folded source_bin_i = model[i] # get the current number of groups current_num_groups = self.n_grp[i] # loop over the current number of groups for j in range(current_num_groups): current_num_chans = int(self.n_chan[k]) if current_num_chans == 0: k += 1 resp_idx += current_num_chans continue else: # get the right index for the start of the counts array # to put the data into counts_idx = int(self.f_chan[k] - self.offset) # this is the current number of channels to use k += 1 # add the flux to the subarray of the counts array that starts with # counts_idx and runs over current_num_chans channels counts[counts_idx:counts_idx + current_num_chans] += self.matrix[resp_idx:resp_idx + current_num_chans] * \ np.float(source_bin_i) # iterate the response index for next round resp_idx += current_num_chans return counts[:self.detchans]
[docs]class ARF(object): def __init__(self, e_low, e_high, eff_area, exposure=None, fracexpo=1.0): """ Auxiliary Response File (ARF) for an X-ray spectrum. **Attributes** filename : str Stores the filename used with e_low : astropy.units.Quantity The lower edges of the energy bins e_high : astropy.units.Quantity The upper edges of the energy bins eff_area : astropy.units.Quantity Description of the energy dependent telescope effective area exposure : Average exposure time for the dataset (which takes telescope dithering into account). fracexpo : float or numpy.ndarray Fractional exposure time for the spectrum (sometimes constant, sometimes dependent on spectral channel). These values are stored for reference; generally, they are already accounted for in the eff_area array. e_mid : Property that returns the middle of each energy bin """ self.filename = None self.e_low = e_low self.e_high = e_high self.eff_area = eff_area self.fracexpo = fracexpo self.exposure = exposure @property def e_mid(self): return 0.5 * (self.e_low + self.e_high)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(filename, block='SPECRESP'): """ Load an ARF object from FITS file. **Inputs** filename : str Path to the FITS file block : str FITS file block keyword, if the spectral response is stored under an extension other than "SPECRESP" **Returns** The ARF object that is represented by the FITS file """ # open the FITS file and extract the SPECRESP block # which contains the spectral response for the telescope hdulist = # Get the data from the appropriate extension blocknames = np.array([ for h in hdulist]) assert block in blocknames, "Could not fine {} block in FITS file".format(block) h = hdulist[block] data = hdr = h.header hdulist.close() e_unit = u.Unit(data.columns["ENERG_LO"].unit) e_low = np.array(data.field("ENERG_LO")) * e_unit e_high = np.array(data.field("ENERG_HI")) * e_unit # usually counts cm^2 / phot; but leave counts and photons unitless area_unit = u.Unit(data.columns['SPECRESP'].unit) specresp = np.array(data.field("SPECRESP")) * area_unit exposure = None if "EXPOSURE" in list(hdr.keys()): exposure = hdr["EXPOSURE"] * u.second fracexpo = 1.0 if "FRACEXPO" in data.columns.names: fracexpo = data["FRACEXPO"] result = ARF(e_low, e_high, specresp, exposure=exposure, fracexpo=fracexpo) result.filename = filename return result
[docs] def apply_arf(self, model, exposure=None): """ Fold the spectrum through the auxiliary response file (ARF). The ARF is a single vector encoding the effective area information about the detector. A such, applying the ARF is a simple multiplication with the input spectrum. **Parameters** model : numpy.ndarray The model spectrum to which the arf will be applied exposure : float, default None Value for the exposure time. By default, `apply_arf` will use the exposure keyword from the ARF file. If this exposure time is not correct (for example when simulated spectra use a different exposure time and the ARF from a real observation), one can override the default exposure by setting the `exposure` keyword to the correct value. **Returns** s_arf : numpy.ndarray The (model) spectrum after folding, in counts/s/channel """ assert model.shape[0] == self.eff_area.shape[0], "The input spectrum must " \ "be of same size as the " \ "ARF array." if exposure is None: return model * self.eff_area * self.exposure else: return model * self.eff_area * exposure