Source code for pyxsis.binspectrum

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from .xrayspectrum1d import XraySpectrum1D
from .bkgspectrum import XBkgSpectrum

__all__ = ['XBinSpectrum','group_channels','group_mincounts','bin_anything']

[docs]class XBinSpectrum(XraySpectrum1D): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same init parameters as XraySpectrum1D """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.notice = np.ones_like(self.counts.value, dtype=bool) self.binning = np.zeros_like(self.counts.value, dtype=int) self.bkg = None self.model = None self.model_counts = None @staticmethod def load(filename, format='chandra_hetg', arf=None, rmf=None): temp =, format=format) result = XBinSpectrum(temp.bin_lo, temp.bin_hi, temp.counts, temp.exposure) if arf is not None: result.assign_arf(arf) if rmf is not None: result.assign_rmf(rmf) return result ##-- I wrote these properties for convenience @property def bmid_keV(self): return, equivalencies=u.spectral()) @property def bmid_angs(self): return, equivalencies=u.spectral())
[docs] def notice_range(self, bmin, bmax): """ Define edges for spectral regions to notice. Notices regions exclusively. >>> XBinSpectrum.notice(1.0*u.keV, 3.0*u.keV) will notice *only* the region between 1 and 3 keV. **Inputs** bmin : astropy.Quantity Minimum value for the notice region bmax : astropy.Quantity Maxium value for the notice region **Returns** Modifies the XraySpectrum1D.notice attribute. """ bmin0 =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) bmax0 =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) imin = (self.bin_lo >= min(bmin0, bmax0)) imax = (self.bin_hi <= max(bmin0, bmax0)) self.notice = (imin & imax)
[docs] def notice_all(self): """ Resets the notice attribute to notice the entire range. """ self.notice = np.ones_like(self.counts, dtype=bool)
[docs] def reset_binning(self): """ Resets the binning attribute """ self.binning = np.zeros_like(self.counts)
[docs] def binned_counts(self, bin_unit=None, error_type='Gauss', subtract_bkg=False, use_backscale=True): """ Returns the binned counts histogram from the noticed spectral region. **Inputs** bin_unit : Astropy unit (default:None) If not None, returns the bin edges in the desired units error_type : string ['Gehrels' (default) or 'Gauss'] If 'Gauss', returns cts_err = sqrt(cts). If 'Gehrels', returns cts_err = 1.0 + sqrt(cts + 0.75) subtract_bkg : bool If True, supply the background subtracted region spectrum (only if a background spectrum is supplied) use_backscale : bool If True, scales the background by the backscal value **Returns** bin_lo : astropy.Quantity Lower edges for the new bins bin_hi : astropy.Quantity Higher edges for the new bins counts : astropy.Quantity Counts for the new bins cts_err : astropy.Quantity Error on the new bins """ assert error_type in ['Gauss', 'Gehrels'] if all(self.binning == 0.0): counts = self.counts[self.notice] bin_lo = self.bin_lo[self.notice] bin_hi = self.bin_hi[self.notice] else: bin_lo, bin_hi, counts = self._parse_binning() if error_type == 'Gauss': cts_err = np.sqrt(counts.value) * u.ct if error_type == 'Gehrels': cts_err = (1.0 + np.sqrt(counts.value + 0.75)) * u.ct if subtract_bkg and (self.bkg is not None): blo, bhi, bcts, bcts_err = self.binned_bkg(use_backscale=use_backscale) counts -= bcts cts_err = np.sqrt(cts_err**2 + bcts_err**2) if bin_unit is None: return bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, cts_err else: return, equivalencies=u.spectral()), \, equivalencies=u.spectral()), \ counts, cts_err
def _parse_binning(self): ## Returns the number of counts in each bin for a binned spectrum ## Works on the noticed regions only assert not all(self.binning == 0), "there is no grouping on this spectrum" # Use noticed regions only binning = self.binning[self.notice] counts = self.counts[self.notice].value bin_lo = self.bin_lo[self.notice].value bin_hi = self.bin_hi[self.notice].value new_bin_lo = np.array([bin_lo[binning == n][0] for n in np.arange(min(binning), max(binning)+1)]) new_bin_hi = np.array([bin_hi[binning == n][-1] for n in np.arange(min(binning), max(binning)+1)]) result = np.array([np.sum(counts[binning == n]) for n in np.arange(min(binning), max(binning)+1)]) # Make sure no counts are lost percent_diff = np.abs((np.sum(result) - np.sum(counts))/np.sum(counts)) assert percent_diff < 1.e-5, print("Binned counts are off by {} \%".format(percent_diff/100.)) new_bin_lo *= self.bin_lo.unit new_bin_hi *= self.bin_lo.unit result *= u.ct return new_bin_lo, new_bin_hi, result
[docs] def binned_bkg(self, bin_unit=None, use_backscale=True): """ Return the background spectrum using the same spectral binning. **Inputs** bin_unit : Astropy unit (default:None) If not None, returns the bin edges in the desired units use_backscale : bool If True, returns the background scaled by the backscal value. **Returns** bin_lo : astropy.Quantity Lower edges for the new background bins bin_hi : astropy.Quantity Higher edges for the new background bins counts : astropy.Quantity Counts for the binned background histogram cts_err : astropy.Quantity Error on the new background bins """ bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, cts_err = self.bkg.binned_counts(self.notice, self.binning, use_backscale=use_backscale) if bin_unit is None: return bin_lo, bin_hi, counts, cts_err else: return, equivalencies=u.spectral()), \, equivalencies=u.spectral()), \ counts, cts_err
[docs] def assign_bkg(self, bkgspec, format='chandra_hetg', colname='COUNTS'): """ Assign a background spectrum. **Inputs** bkgspec : str or XBkgSpectrum If a string, loads background from the specified FITS file. Otherwise, stores the input in the XBinSpectrum.bkg attributes. format : str Specifies the format of the background file. If 'chandra_hetg', runs `XBkgSpectrum.load_HETG`. Otherwise, runs `XBkgSpectrum.load` colname : str Specifies the column name of the relevant counts histogram when running `XBkgSpectrum.load` """ if isinstance(bkgspec, str): if format == 'chandra_hetg': self.bkg = XBkgSpectrum.load_HETG(bkgspec) else: self.bkg = XBkgSpectrum.load(bkgspec, colname=colname) else: self.bkg = bkgspec
def evaluate_model(self, model_flux): unbinned_counts = self.apply_response(model_flux) self.model_counts = unbinned_counts return self.bin_model_counts() def bin_model_counts(self): # If there is no binning, return only the noticed regions if np.sum(self.binning) == 0: return self.model_counts[self.notice] # Otherwise, take binning into account else: binning = self.binning[self.notice] counts = self.model_counts[self.notice] result = np.array([np.sum(counts[binning == n]) for n in np.arange(min(binning), max(binning)+1)]) return result
## ----- Binning functions
[docs]def group_channels(spectrum, n): """ Group channels in a spectrum by a constant factor, n **Inputs** spectrum : pyxsis.XBinSpectrum Must contain `binning` attribute (ndarray) n : int Integer factor for binning the spectrum channels **Returns** Modifies spectrum.binning """ assert n > 1, "n must be larger than 1" tot_chan = len(spectrum.binning) # Total number of channels counter, index = 1, 0 result = np.array([]) while index < tot_chan: result = np.append(result, np.repeat(counter, n)) index += n counter += 1 # Trim array in case we went over the total number of channels # which will happen when tot_chan % n != 0 result = result[np.arange(tot_chan)] spectrum.binning = result return
[docs]def group_mincounts(spectrum, mc): """ Group channels in a spectrum so that there is a minimum number of counts in each bin **Inputs** spectrum : XBinSpectrum Must contain `binning` attribute (ndarray) mc : int Minimum number of counts per bin **Returns** Modifies spectrum.binning """ assert mc > 0, "mc must be larger than 1" tot_chan = len(spectrum.binning) counter, tempcount = 0, 0 result = [] for i in range(tot_chan): result.append(counter) tempcount += spectrum.counts[i].value if tempcount >= mc: counter += 1 tempcount = 0 result = np.array(result) # Ensure that the last bin has at least ten counts nlast = result[-1] last_bin_count = np.sum(spectrum.counts[result == nlast].value) if last_bin_count < mc: result[result == nlast] = nlast-1 spectrum.binning = result return
[docs]def bin_anything(x, binning, notice=None): """ Group anything according to a binning array **Inputs** x : np.array Array to bin binning : np.array Bin numbers for sorting notice : bool np.array (optional) Array values to notice **Returns** A numpy array that holds the binned results """ assert len(x) == len(binning) if notice is None: notice = np.ones_like(x, dtype='bool') xx = x[notice] bb = binning[notice] if np.all(bb == 0): return xx else: return np.array([np.sum(xx[bb == n]) for n in np.arange(min(bb), max(bb)+1)])